You never know what questions are going to come out of kids' mouths. Parents always have to be on their toes–which is exactly why someone posed the question to parents and grandparents "What’s an unexpected or funny question that a kid asked you?"
It's no secret kids can be brutally honest–as well as spin the truth. It's what makes them charming and endearing (especially for teachers). Their questions and observations are the things that live on years after they say them–and always provide a good chuckle. If you need a reason to smile today, here are 23 of the most gut-busting responses to the question, "What’s an unexpected or funny question that a kid asked you?"
2 women sitting on chair in front of table
Photo by Keren Fedida on Unsplash
1. "A tornado ripped through my town and I was driving on the highway as it came terrifyingly close. I stopped and ran with my 6 year old daughter into the nearest building to us, a McDonalds, my heart pounding wildly, and my daughter said, 'While we're here can I get fries?' :p" – Safia3
2. "Sitting at the kitchen table one summer with my 4 year old grandson, who sees a lizard outside. 'Grampa, can we go outside and look at the lizard?' 'Well, ok, but do you have bare feet?' He looks at me like I've lost my mind and says 'No, I have kid feet'." – nbfs-chili
3. "I was in the supermarket checking out with my toddler son in the seat of the shopping cart. He was facing an elderly lady directly behind us. She was saying how cute he was, cooing at him, etc. I am paying and as she starts unloading her items onto the conveyor, my cute little son says 'what the hell is THAT?!' pointing at her stuff. She looked really shocked." – lazylakeloonatic
4. "I mentioned the word cartographer, in reference to a friend who is in that profession. My son asked, 'Is that someone who draws cars?' 🤣" – analogpursuits
5. "My oldest upon having a tummy ache asked, 'Can I have some Pepto Dismal?' It has been Pepto Dismal to me ever since." – chefranden
6. "My very young son was eating Lima beans and looked up at me and asked 'how do they get the mashed potatoes inside the beans?'" – Kingsolomanhere
broad bean pesto-2 | jules |
7. "My oldest daughter asked me several times, 'Do you remember when I was old?'" – Unknown User
8. "When my youngest was 5 I was making him grilled cheese every day for his lunch because he loved it. Apparently he was thinking I was saying 'girl' cheese. One day he says 'why do I have to eat girl cheese all the time? Can’t I have boy cheese?'" –PaigeMarieSara
9. "I work at kindergarten. One time I helped girl (3 years old) to put on her jacket. On this day I was wearing pendent. Girl asked me: 'What's that?' I answered: 'That? That's my pendent.' 'Why do you wear it and not a cross?' (Her family is very religious.) 'Well, because I don't want to. I like my pendent.' 'So you don't like God, huh?' I couldn't help but laugh." – russian_koldunya
10. "I had said to my own father when I was 8, 'So, when you were alive, did you have stuff like this?' (I was referring to my brand new bicycle)." – Eye_Doc_Photog
11. "I am a fairly big guy with a big grey beard, so (especially when I wear this one bright red coat I own), little kids ask me if I'm Santa Claus semi-regularly...or they just assume I'm Santa Claus and whisper excitedly to their parents. Last year when I'd walk my daughter to school our schedule lined up with this elderly Japanese couple who walked their granddaughter to the daycare across the street from the school. They'd excitedly talk about me in Japanese when they passed, and the only words I could make out were 'Santa Claus'." – ronearc
12. "'What's a record?' - in response to 'You sound like a broken record.'” – mutant6399
13. "While cleaning….Me: 'Let’s take a break.' 4 year old: 'What are we going to break?'" – Dang_It_All_to_Heck
14. "I was working in a computer store. Me and a colleague were talking to each other about something when a boy about 7 came in and asked 'Mister, do you have floppy dicks in here?' We burst out laughing. The boy ran out of the shop. Not long after that his mother came in angrily asking why we laughed at her son and we had to explain it to her....somehow....she was still grumpy but we managed to mollify her enough that she bought a 10--pack of floppies from us..." – TheDevilsAdvokaat
a white and blue computer chip
Photo by Behnam Norouzi on Unsplash
15. "I'm 56. When I was 47 I had a 3 year old son. We were at McDonalds and he got stuck up in the play castle and started screaming, so I crawled up there to get him. Another little kid looked at me and said 'Are you his grandpa?'" – flyart
16. "When my niece was about 8 her mom said to her 'Quiet! I have a tension headache'. She turned to me and asked 'Is that from not getting enough attention?'" – Loggerdon
17. "'How much did you pay for your kids?' They knew our kids were adopted." – roonerspize
18. "What plant does macaroni grow on?" – catdude142
yellow rubber balloons in close up photography
Photo by Ayush Sharma on Unsplash
19. "Former teacher. So many. One preK students I was testing for kindergarten placement, saw that I had a sheet of letters on the desk as she came in. 'I don’t know my alphabet, but do you like my dress?' Another, when asked what is the name of a shape, 'Is it a coffin?' (it was a rectangle). A second grader, 'Do you know you have wrinkly elbows?' Recently, my 3year old grandson, 'Grandma, when did you become you?' I love that existential question. Kids are funny!" – numnahlucy
20. "'Why is your nose big?' Humbled me so fast I swear." – User Unknown
21. "In the car: 'Are we going light speed yet?' – womanitou
22. "'What's the shape of time?' (My kid was 5 or 6)" – Unknown User
23. "I told my classroom once that my wife was pregnant and a little 3rd grade girl looked at me aghast and asked 'you had sex?'” –hdhdhttrue