Ideas Teacher asks students to fill out a questionnaire on the substitute teacher's class. They went all out. "People from other classes looking for you walked in and walked right out after they saw the sub."
Heroes Brave 9-year-old girl outsmarts stalker in chilling CCTV footage One little girl’s bravery is now a lesson in safety for children everywhere.
Heroes Waitress who kicked out CEO for racist attack on Asian family receives $70,000 in tips “No, you do not talk to our guests like that! Get out of here!”
Family Dad explains how he 'protects' his daughter by taking her into the women's bathroom "As a dad being out with daughters I never thought the bathroom would become as big as a issue as it is."
Science Groundbreaking study reveals a massive country splitting into two "We didn’t know continents could behave this way."
Heroes Abandoned dog found wearing a heartbreaking note in a bottle on her collar It was heartbreaking, but the staff at the Johnson County Animal Shelter knew they had a special pup on their hands.
Science How long drugs stay in your system Drugs such as marijuana can be detected in your urine, blood, and hair for much longer than you might think.
Culture Woman gradually replaced parents' photos with crayon drawings and it took them 11 days to notice Kristen Vogler replaced the pictures on her parents' wall one by one with crayon drawings and see how long it took them to notice.