With fatherhood comes plenty of humor. (Yep, including dad jokes.) Not to mention when kids create the best nicknames. They're usually a term of endearment. A play on words. But they can also be random and hilarious. Reddit user PinkDreamPeth shared with r/daddit that he had been "promoted" at home with a new name from his daughter–and it summoned a roaring response from fellow dads.
"I don’t want to brag, but I am now referred to as Prince Daddy," he shared. "Ever since my 3yr old daughter was ‘asleep’ on the couch and I woke her with a kiss, I’ve been called Prince Daddy. So I’m kind of a big deal now."
The thread prompted other dads to share the funny names and nicknames that their kids have given them–a testament of the good stuff in fatherhood. Here are 21 of the most hilarious names kids call their dads.
1. "I'm poopoo papa. Teach me your ways, oh benevolent one." – Porcupenguin
2. "I’ve been prince dad. Now that she’s almost five I’m poop butt about half the time." – jrp162
3. "Is it weird that my daughter calls me baby daddy?" – user_tab_indexes
4. "I’m the only named individual in the house! My son calls everything dad even his mother." – i_hate_me_and_u
5. "My 2.5yo calls me Dave ever since she learned my name and I can’t get her to stop." – daviddunville
That 70S Show Lol GIF by LaffGiphy
6. "Don’t mean to brag, but I’m known as Christmas around here." – firemrseven71
7. "I'll have you know I was told by my 4 year old last night that I was told I am 'the handsomest prince daddy'. We're going to have to get a magic mirror to settle this sh*t." – thegunnersdream
8. "I've been stuck at PoopButt Daddy for over a year now... 😞" – Cramson_Sconefield
9. "'Poop on your face Daddy' keeps coming back, here. It alternates between that and King Daddy, so it's a nice contrast.– mkosmo
10. "I don’t want to one up you but I’m called Daddy Cookie Monster, so…." – CoolCoolCoool
Suck It Schitts Creek GIF by CBCGiphy
11. "My 5 year old has been watching too much Bluey and has taken to calling me big fella. I act like it slightly annoys me, but I love it." – Gaddy
12. "My son calls me 'Big Guy' but then chuckles so it might be an insult." – HzrKMtz
13. "I always thought being called 'Mr. Daddy' (which I am) was top of the heap." –Q-burt
14. "Good job. One day you will graduate as I have now become 'your majesty'." – t-o-m-u-s-a
15. "(They call me baba) I used to be Baba bum bum. When I complained about the use of that name in public, I was promoted to Baba glasses. Reminds me of middle school bullies 😒." – Concentric_Mid
Stand-Up Lol GIF by Muppet WikiGiphy
16. "I get referred to as queen daddy all of the time. Grinds the wife’s gears." – Crustaceous_Tortise
17. "They call me Robert the impolite." – Forgobsake
18. "Prince Daddy? How quaint. My daughter calls me Daddy King." – SpellCheck19
19. "The other day i just fixed the tape of a fallen wall-hanging back in its place, and I was Superpapa!" – RR_2025
20. "Call me when you're a unicorn tamer." – RelampagoMarkinh0
21. "Oh yeah? Well I'm known as 'tummy'' 'round these parts." – nonstop321