It's always tough when your family disagrees with your "lifestyle," which, for many from traditional backgrounds, is often just a code for homophobia. That's something Cydney Prescott experienced firsthand one holiday season when he learned that a bunch of extended family members who had gathered began to have a "meeting" about his being gay.Unfortunately, there are countless examples of members of the LGBTQ+ community facing intolerance, often from those who are closest to them.
In Cydney's case, however, he thankfully had his mother in his corner. When she found out that the "meeting" was taking place, she burst into the room and shut the entire thing down.
Instead of allowing her family to "ruin Christmas" by discussing her son's sexuality (and what would a meeting like that even consist of?). She said, according to Cydney, "Idgaf how none of y'all feel HE'S MINE and if you don't want to deal with him, f*** you cuz you dont have to. BUT I KNOW, none of you will have s*** to say to me about it!"
Xmas I found out my family tried to have a “meeting” about me being gay &my mom CLEARED THE MF’N ROOM
“Idgaf how none of y’all feel HE’S MINE and if you don’t want to deal with him, fuck you cuz you dont have to, BUT I KNOW, none of you will have shit to say to me about it!”
— Cydney Prescott (@RETRO__ray) December 26, 2019
Cydney tweeted about the incident, and it received a ton of love: it's been retweeted over 31,000 times and has racked up over 277,000 likes. Folks were applauding Cydney's mom's response, and it didn't take long for a flood of high-quality memes to emerge from the situation.
— Cydney Prescott (@RETRO__ray) January 31, 2020
She sends her love!! And she thinks y’all are funny ❤️😂
— Cydney Prescott (@RETRO__ray) December 26, 2019
Touched by all the support his story received, Cydney decided to show his mother how many fans she had online, and she loved the responses. She even asked him to send her more screenshots of the messages he received.
My mum would be ashamed, being gay would bring an embarassment and continous ridicule, plus i would deny her the chance of seeing her grandchildren.I would Never do that to her.
— ReubenChege (@reubenchegez) December 27, 2019
Your Mom rocks! She's tough and I like it. Happy New Year to you and your Mom!
— Anita Supports Democracy 🌊🌊💙💙 (@AnitaThom57) December 27, 2019
And Cydney decided to let all of the fans of his tweet meet his mother on camera, so the two of them uploaded a video for the internet, and it looks like Ray's trying to get his mom even more famous. Why not, right?
Others uploaded reply tweets to Cydney's original post that demonstrate exactly why his mom's response was so significant.The sad truth is that the teen suicide rate for members of the LGBTQ+ community is significantly higher than their heterosexual peers. Experts believe that feelings of alienation along with lack of acceptance and pressure to change from loved ones contributes greatly to these heightened levels of self harm.
Other moms also replied to Cydney's tweet sharing their own instances of having to shut someone down for questioning their child's sexuality. Some folks questioned the need for "family" members who would go on and have a problem with Cydney being gay in the first place and his mother's love is worth more than all of theirs combined and then some.One user commented: "Were they planing to stuff you in a sack and force you into conversion therapy or something? What good can come of such a meeting unless it’s for them to learn how awful they are being?"
Another one shared how they reacted to a similar experience: "My brother asked me if my son was gay and in a cold quiet voice I said "And what if he is" my grown biker brother gulped and said nothing sis I have I ah well if he is okay" I'm a red headed leo celt, my son is and I protect my own."
And, judging by Cydney's tweets about his mom, it would seem that he is in complete agreement with that analysis.
This article was originally published three years ago.