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Cringe-worthy trends, slang and fashions are synonymous with every generation. Reddit user u/sunkissedgirls shared in r/Millennials that she is a teacher, and was discussing with her current 8th grade students (Gen Alpha) about embarrassing things each generation has done. They mentioned Gen Alpha's current Sephora face (aka Sephora kids), skibidi boys, and brain rot' trends to Gen Zen Z eating Tide Pods (who remembers the Tide Pod Challenge?), noting that Millennials mostly got away with their embarrassing trends–minus getting roasted for side parts and skinny jeans.

"We talked about how we were the first generation who documented our adolescence online, so whatever embarrassing trends in previous generations couldn’t have been so widespread, instantaneous, and documented," she wrote. "Every generation after us will have their embarrassing moments documented and ridiculed in the internet forever."

To find out more about embarrassing moments for Millennials, she she posed the question: "What is the millennial equivalent to Gen Z’s Tide Pods and Gen Alpha’s Sephora face?" And the responses were *top notch*. Get ready to re-visit the most mortifying Millennial memories below.

1. "Duck face and anyone who tattooed a little mustache on their finger." – Consistent_Ad_4828

2. "We had the drug store foundation orange face. That was our generation makeup in a nutshell." – andrya86

3. "Don’t forget the super skinny overly-plucked brows!" – iris-my-case

4. "And Bumpits." – justtosubscribe

5. "Tramp stamps? Velour tracksuits, but I kinda stand by those lol Chunky highlights." – SmugLibrarian

6. "THANKYOU for saying this. I completely agree. Everyone talks about the stupid shit kids say like our generation wasn't saying "suck it" and "wazzzzzzzzuppppppppp" every 10 seconds." – Mrs-Bluveridge

Whassupscary movie wassup GIFGiphy

7. "Valley girl talk was very in. I still have issues using 'like' in inappropriate situations." – othermother_00

8. "I remember saying 'yolo', 'cool beans', and calling everything 'extra' nonstop like we all have slang and it’s all embarrassing and annoying to the older generations." – u/sunkissedgirls

9. "I think we just had a lot of boomer mass hysteria over things that weren't actually happening. Remember those cheap thin rubber bracelets that came in different colors? They were somewhat popular, then some talk show host said each color indicated a sex act you were willing to do or had already done. I don't think anyone was using them that way, but they damn sure were afterward. 🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️" – WeddingFickle6513

10. "Do the little playboy bunny stickers while using tanning beds count? That feels like a double whammy." – reddoorinthewoods

11. "Posing for pics looking like a tea pot. Just stop already. Don’t put your hand on your hip." – LongjumpingPath3069

12. "Planking." – Worst-Eh-Sure

PlankingSeason 8 Nbc GIF by The OfficeGiphy

13. "Those shitty, whiny emo bands with really long song titles like 'Please Don’t Tell My Father That I Used His 1996 Honda Accord To Destroy The Town Of Willow Grove, Pennsylvania In 2002'.” – Much_Progress_4745

14. "The Myspace scene/emo kids were pretty embarrassing in retrospect." – unicorntrees

15. "Spray tans, wearing PINK unironically. Remember the rooster cut popular with emo kids? Oh gosh, we had a lot. Planking. Collecting Beanie Babies. Ugg boots. Wearing jeans under skirts. Jnco jeans in general. Lisa Frank everything." – othermother_00

16. "Cinnamon challenge. Screaming 'YEEEAH' 'WHAT' 'OKAAAAY'." – dude_icus

Cinnamon Challengecinnimon challenge GIFGiphy

17. "Obsessions with Backstreet Boys, glitter eye shadow that was just basically glitter and how bad that shit hurt when it got in your eye, B&BW sweet pea spray that you would be doused in, middle and high schoolers rocking clothes with Winnie the Pooh or Piglet, and POPPED COLLARS. Just to name a few." – savethepollinator

18. "What about the horrible white eyeliner and those shell necklaces?" – SuccessfulWolverine7

19. "I have a permanent crick in my neck from trying to make the side bang fall perfectly." – Archeressrabbit

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