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The best man speech is *the* highlight of wedding receptions. From riffs and sarcastic rags to inside jokes and hilarious personal anecdotes–and the occasional tears–it's always a bro love fest. And for a newly married couple in a sentimental video shared by wedding videographers Josh and Mare Knighten (@byjoshandmare), the best man's speech meant more than the celebration of a friendship–the union officially made them brothers. The groom, John, married the best man's little sister–and the best man's speech had the eyes of endless viewers welling up. "Wholesome moment from the best man," the video caption reads.

It begins with the camera zoomed in on the best man, whose voice is already cracking as he begins to read his speech from a piece of paper. He explains how John treaded the waters carefully when revealing his romantic interest in his younger sister. "In the most respectful way possible, he said, 'I have feelings for your sister.'" The next line is a zinger: "And I said 'John, I'd rather it be you at Christmas than some other derelict', And I'm sure that was just the response he was after." The quip got the crowd cracking up, as the camera pans to his little sister (the bride!), who is also chuckling.

His voice becomes more overcome with emotion as he goes on to share why he believes John is the perfect match for his baby sister. "The qualities you look for in a best friend are the same ones you look for in the guy who's gonna marry your baby sister: selfless, loyal, level-headed and supportive," he says. He ends the speech by bringing the cadence back up with another joke that brought the laughs: "You're gonna need that level headed with her, Chief." The crowd goes wild, and the comedic relief was perfectly timed.


Wholesome moment from the best man. #speech #wedding #bride #bridetobe #engaged

And the love was felt by TikTok viewers on many levels. First, for the brotherhood the two best friends can now claim. "Went from being 'brothers' to actual brothers 😭🥰😭🥰😭🥰😭🥰," one viewer wrote. Another added, "This man said finally, we’re ACTUAL brothers now! 🥰🥰" Many pointed out the incredible support the bride has behind her with such a dynamic duo. "That girl is literally protected forever. Her brother and husband have her back." Another comment read, "She is RICH 🥺❤️her brother and hubby will forever hold her down… whatttta lucky gal 🙏🏼."

Although the union between a best friend and little sister can be controversial–and risky–many viewers offered their encouraging stories about successful unions between best friends and their siblings. "my brother married my best friend 15 years ago, they've been together 17 years, and she and I have been friends for almost 30 years," one shared. Another wrote, "I married my brother’s best friend and they loved going from friends to brothers! We even had our second babies 6 weeks apart. It’s been a trip!"

Finally, the best man's vulnerability was praised. "I love a man that shows his emotions ❤️," one commented. And another wrote, "I love how emotional he was! What a gem."

Next, the sister of the groom takes the microphone–and delivers a mic drop-worthy line. "First off, way to take the most overplayed romantic comedy plotline and marry your best friend's sister," she says.


All the love. ☺️ #wedding

Clearly, this family shares deep love–and a sense of humor.

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