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In certain families, grandparents get to fill the awesome role of 'mom' or 'dad'--stepping in and stepping up to the parenting plate. For TikToker Ker (@ker_bear74), her father became 'dad' to not just her--but to her young son, Spencer. To honor his love and presence in his life, Spencer decided to legally change his last name to match his--and Ker blessed TikTok with the heartwarming video. "Best buds forever. My son, who doesn’t have a father, decided to change his last name and be the only one to pass on his pop pops last name," Ker wrote in the video's caption. "He is the only grandchild and they have been inseparable since birth."

His grandpa begins to read a poem that Spencer framed titled "My Name, My Tribute" as the two sit side-by-side in a chair. Ker tells him that Spencer "has been waiting months" to share this surprise with him. And almost immediately, he becomes overwhelmed with emotion, but is encouraged to keep reading out loud. Spencer places his hand at the bottom of the poem to cover up the 'surprise', where he signed his new name.


Best buds forever. My son, who doesn’t have a father, decided to change his last name and be the only one to pass on his pop pops last name. He is the only grandchild and they have been inseparable since birth. #CapCut #myguys #poppop #lastnamechange #family #christmas2024

The poem reads:

Pop-pop, you've been there every day,
Guiding me in your special way.
From the moment I took my first breath,
You've shown me love that knows no death.

You taught me how to cook and mow,
To fix with tools, to help things grow.
You've been my buddy, my teacher, my guide,
Through every moment right by my side.

While others may falter, you never did,
You've been my rock since I was a kid.
From sleepovers filled with laughter and fun,
To cheering me on in all I've done.

Now I've grown, and I proudly declare,
Your name is the one I want to wear.
A bond like ours deserves to be shown,
So I'll carry your name, make it my own.

It's not just a name--it's part of me,
A tribute to all you've helped me be.
A grandson, a partner, a best friend too,
Forever grateful for all you do.

So here's to us, to the bond we share,
To love that's steady, beyond compare.
Pop-pop, this name is my gift to you,
A promise of love, forever true.

As he reads, his voice cracks--and Spencer puts his arm around him and his head on his shoulder, encouraging him that, "It's fine, Pop!" He replies, "I can’t read it because the tears in my eyes". With Spencer's support, he finishes reading the poem, and Spencer removes his hand so his grandpa can see his signature and new name. The pair embrace, and his grandpa says, "Bring me a box of tissues! I can see why you're so excited. That is so nice."

The tender moment between the two captured the hearts (and sent tears flowing) for many TikTok viewers, who sung their praises for Spencer. "You know what is even more touching to me, Spencer’s excitement to give it to him. Beautiful kid," one commented. Another wrote, "I loved him covering the last part until he read through the poem to save the surprise 🥹."

Others shared how special their relationship is. "As a single mom with a dad that helps so much with my son, this is beautiful!!!🥺🥰," one wrote. Another TikToker commented, "My dad helped raise mine. They had the same connection. No greater gift 🥹🥹🥹"

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