Venturing into the underwater realm offers a mesmerizing glimpse of colorful coral reefs, marine animals, and the artistry of nature itself. Yet Gary Grayson’s latest dive proved to be a truly unexpected encounter, according to the Manchester Evening News. He bumped into two curious grey seals that seemed more than happy to make his acquaintance.
The seal goes in for a little nibble.Cover image source: Pirate FM on YouTube
On a trip off the shores of the Isles of Scilly in England, Grayson noticed two young grey seals gliding through a kelp bed. One seal swam over and playfully tugged at his hand, gently nibbling him without causing harm. Although seals are carnivores, this marine visitor took care not to bite down too hard. With Grayson remaining calm, the seal stayed to explore him further, leaving the diver clueless as to why he was getting so much attention.
Belly rub time. Cover image source: Pirate FM on YouTube
It soon turned out the inquisitive seal had a specific request. With a light pull at Grayson’s arms and a swift shift in posture, it revealed its belly, signaling that it wanted a good scratch. Reading the moment perfectly, Grayson obliged, rubbing the seal’s belly and neck. “I was absolutely loving it,” a 55-year-old Grayson told the news channel in 2015. Although he was an experienced diver, this interaction was a once-in-a-lifetime treat.
Grayson recalled past sightings of other seals, explaining, “I had seen other seals in the water but they just buzzed past us. None was as inquisitive as he was, and none as friendly. We were told just to sit on the bottom of the kelp but the more still we were the more inquisitive this seal was because we were in their world.” The second seal soon joined the fun, nibbling around his legs without ever really hurting him. “I’ve been all over the world, to Mexico and Cuba, to dive with great big mantras and sharks. I’m not one to frighten easy,” he said.
Though he lives for adrenaline, Grayson found this gentle seal encounter particularly thrilling. His friends witnessed the playful interaction, which was recorded and later gained online popularity. Many liken seals to “dogs of the sea,” and as this video suggests, that comparison just might be spot-on.