From small acts of kindness to favorite treats and self-care activities, one thing is for sure: it's truly the little things that make women happy. Sure, the extravagant can too–but thoughtful things can make just as much impact.
If you want to do something to bring a smile to the face of a special woman in your life (a friend, a spouse, a sister or mom) and make her feel loved, these sweet and simple ideas will make her day. These are 25 responses to the question, "What simple things make you happy?", according to women. (And if you're curious, here are 12 things that make guys happy.)
1. "Fresh sheets." – reall0ve
2. "Unconscious midnight hug from my husband." – Linorelai
3. "Ugh, had a bad mental health day yesterday and in the middle of the night my husband rolled over and spooned me in his sleep. I almost cried, it was so nice." – CouchFeelings
4. "The sound of rain." – User Unknown
5. "Clocking out of work on the last day of the work week. Sleeping in the next day." – starrlight_storm
6. "Getting to light a candle after cleaning the whole house. Feels like a lil reward." – Legitimate_Ranger583
woman sitting on sofa while holding food for dog
Photo by Roberto Nickson on Unsplash
7. "When friends reach out first, hot boiling shower, when a guy opens the car door for me, nice tidy room, food, another girl complimenting my outfit or earrings, rainy days, cloudy days, and accomplishing a good morning routine." – slushpuppyyyzzz
8. "Cheese, it's fascinating." – frankenspider
9. "Sometimes in the middle of the night I feel a big thud near my head. My cat will lay down as close as possible to my head and flop on his side and go to sleep. Idc what time it wakes me up, the sleep after that is a million times better. He just recently started doing this and it makes me so happy." – User Unknown
10. "A tight hug. A blanket fresh out of the dryer. Tea." – HoneyGirlLZ
11. "Time spent outside, especially in a forest. I don't think anything else makes me feel better so quickly." – User Unknown
12. "Training. Nothing makes me more happier than getting better and fitter." – retardedhummingbird
man kissing woman's forehead while lying on bed
Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash
13. "Forehead kiss." – -Blink182-
14. "Waking up to snow outside." – User Unknown
15. "A good coffee after/during a hectic or tiring day." – vegarhoalpha
16. "Donuts, chocolate, christmas lights, cheeseburgers, cute dog youtube videos, cute cat youtube videos, marshmallow or cream filling, pudding." – AnnoyedDuckling
17. "Sitting in a sauna, steam room or a hot spring. Preferably a hot spring." – Salad_and_wine_diet
woman in body of water
Photo by Craventure Media on Unsplash
18. "Just after a food shop when the fridge and cupboards are full, and then can sit down and rest with a cup of tea / coffee." –Evening-School-8556
19. "'I was already at the store so I grabbed you this [snack/candy/drink] just because'." – breakfastfordinner11
20. "Being the only person in the house who is awake." – Moonflowerbloom
21. "Drinking a sparkling water and just staring off into space, for some weird reason." – User Unknown
22. "There’s a 100 little things that make me happy but this…. Someone leaving a quarter in the cart at ALDI." – LegitimateStar7034
23. "Sitting alone on a bench around midnight, no people around. Just enjoying the cool nippy air, watching the moon and the stars." – AroEon
24. "Hearing a baby laugh. There's just something magical about it. It has the ability to instantly improve my mood." – BigRedKetoGirl
25. "Diet coke." – WanderingGirl18