It's hard to comprehend that 30-40 years ago would have places you in the 1980s and 1990s. For Millennials, it's a grueling realization of how time flies. And a lot has changed. Both eras have an aesthetic that can easily be pinned down, and both hold nostalgic value. As times (and quality standards) change, things that previously seemed commonplace now hold more value–and we're not just talking material things.
So when a Reddit user whose account is no longer active posed the question on Ask Reddit, "Which aspects of daily life were commonplace 30-40 years ago but are now regarded as luxuries?"–the responses came flooding in. The question racked brains and rounded up epic responses detailing the contrast between decades that are sure to have you walking down memory lane.
Here are 23 of the top replies to the question "Which aspects of daily life were commonplace 30-40 years ago but are now regarded as luxuries?" that will have you walking down memory lane.
1. "Quality furniture made out of real wood." – No-Yogurtcloset-1491
2. "Work boundaries. Once you’ve clocked out, no way to work anywhere else until you clock back in. Memos took time to deliver rather than hundreds of emails back and forth." – Adorable_Month3677
3. "Being a 'free range' kid (being able to play outside without being tracked, not having cell phones, learning to self-entertain instead of being glued to tech, etc.)" – auroraera
4. "My kid rolls her eyes so hard when she says, 'I'm bored!!' and I reply, 'That's great, it's good for your brain!' 8 years old and her friends have smartphones? Whaaaa?" – idontwannabemeNEmore
5. "Owning a home." – OpportunityGold4597
6. "Toys in Cracker Jacks." – valeyard89
Cracker JackGiphy
7. "Clothing that is not designed to end up in great pacific garbage patch in six months." – radiumgirls
8. "A college education you could actually pay for and not drown in debt." – Brother_Delmer
9. "Quality appliances. My grandmas fridge from 1965 is still going strong. My POS from Samsung died in 5 years." –Captainthistleton
10. "Peanuts in a box of Cracker Jacks. Soda in a glass bottle. Metal Transformers. Livable wages on just a HS diploma. Food and comfortable seats on airplanes." – KokonutMonkey
transformers cartoon GIFGiphy
11. "Saying you’ll be at a place at a certain time and doing exactly that." – CtrlShiftMake
12. "All kinds of very high quality goods used to be made in US factories. Factory jobs that paid well and were a point of pride were common. It all unraveled after the implementation of open trade policies, globalization, and outsourcing. Now we have Walmart." –Unknown User
13. "A good toy in a cereal box." – Xincmars
super mario bros cereal GIFGiphy
14. "Locally sourced quality food not filled with additives, fillers, preservatives, and antibiotics." – User Unknown
15. "Buying cigarettes with a bit of loose change. Where I live, a single packet costs more now than a carton cost back in the day. Also, I think this is a good thing." – sapperbloggs
16. "Being able to have one parent at home and still having a good standard of living." – Thisoneissfwihope
17. "Going to a concert. It's used to be a fun weekend thing. Now, I have to save. And buy it months if not a year before." –nottoday1059
18. "Film cameras." – Positive_Lemon_2683
Kermit The Frog Smile GIF by Muppet WikiGiphy
19. "Stay at home mothers. Large families. Starting in the same town for 50 years. Everyone I know has to follow the work. Knowing the neighbors, having a sense of community, establishing roots. But that's probably a side effect of the last one. Secretaries. A workshop in the garage." – noonemustknowmysecre
20. "Actual privacy and the ability to make mistakes that don't follow you around for the rest of your life." – ibanezjs100
21. "Good fairly cheap guitars. My second guitar, an Ibanez, was superior to what’s made at the price range today. 1983 IBZ roadstar." – norby2
22. "Making a phone call, and having a human answer immediately. Tired of robot answering machines and prompts. Can’t even talk to a human when I need assistance from my pharmacy anymore." – Kvedvulf
23. "Not being reachable by phone." – lobsterharmonica1667