Surprise performances at wedding receptions are always iconic. And TikToker Maddie (@madeliefvis) and her entire family pulled off one for the books. To surprise her sister who was getting married, they learned the dance and exact choreography for the song "From Now On" from the movie The Greatest Showman to surprise her at their wedding reception.
"Watch our family practice for 8 months to learn this dance from my sister's favorite movie as a surprise for her wedding," she wrote in the video's caption.
@madeliefvis Full wedding video this weekend!!! 🥰 #weddingact #thegreatestshowman #thegreatestshowmandance #familydance #familyfun #familydancechallenge #fromnowon #fromnowondance
In the video, Maddie and her family can be seen practicing the dance in a number of different locations throughout those 8 months: the beach, in a driveway, in a living room, a gym, a backyard patio, and more.
And TikTok absolutely loved the effort and love they put into learning the dance. "It’s not even about the dance (which is amazing) but about the time and energy y’all spent to do something just to bring her joy. THIS is what it looks like to be rich," one commented. Another wrote, "Ok, normally I am anti surprise dances at weddings because they are usually about stealing the attention from the couple but THIS? The whole family?! You can tell this is about HER and ur love for her." And another added, "Imagine being loved so fiercely by people who are willing to show their love like this? Beautiful. And a visible representation of giving you their time and energy? Love!!"
All of the practice paid off. Maddie shared the video of the incredible dance, and in another post shared more details about her sister's reaction. She shared that her dad opened the act, and from there her sister said, 'Whaaaaat is going on?!' When the music came on, she uttered, 'Oh my god I love this song!' She had no idea what was happening, until she said, 'Wait, are they dancing???' Her sister was 'in shock'.
And the comments from the dance video were so sweet. "This is so special ❤️," one wrote. Another shared, "This is epic! What an amazing gift to your sister and everyone attending! I cried!"
@madeliefvis REPOSTED WITH BETTER LIGHT ❤️ Since everyone was saying they couldn’t see anything (which I got 😅), here’s the full version with much better light!!!! Thanks iPhone settings for this simple upgrade 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻 Also I feel like now with the pictures posted in my second to last post, this whole wedding act makes more sense! So enjoy 🥹 #greatestshowman #greatestshowmandance #weddingact #greatestshowmandancebetterlight #betterlight #fromnowon #fromnowondance #weddingtok
The best part about the dance? It became a 'flash mob' that got the entire wedding involved. In another clip, Maddie captured her sister (the bride's) reaction to the whole wedding jumping into the action. "My sisters reaction 🥹🥹🥹🥹 and yes that’s her screaming ‘oh my god oh my god!!!’ ❤️ best reaction ever," she wrote in the caption.
@madeliefvis My sisters reaction 🥹🥹🥹🥹 and yes that’s her screaming ‘oh my god oh my god!!!’ ❤️ best reaction ever #thegreatestshowman #thegreatestshowmanflashmob #thegreatestshowmanwedding #weddingact #thegreatestshowmanweddingact #fromnowon #fromnowondance #thegreatestshowmandance
And this video had a huge impact on viewers. "literally sobbing for this woman who is so loved and so known by her people that they all took the time and effort to learn this dance for her big day, knowing it would be so special for her," one commented. And another wrote, "😭😭🥹🥹 me just crying happy tears . This is incredible. Such love and real life magic…beautiful family and friends. Thank you for sharing this." Another added, "I LOVE the flash mob part! Your sister lost her mind that all those people did that for HER! ♥️"