Turning 102 is a rare feat. In 2024, there were only 101,000 people in the United States who made it to the milestone, according to Pew Research Center. And World War II veteran Clyde Wilbur Grisham is one of the special few. Grisham chose to celebrate his 102nd birthday at his favorite restaurant–Chick-fil-A.
"Mr. Clyde here is one of our very special guests that we have the honor of serving regularly. Today is his 102 birthday and we are so glad he came to see us! He is a World War II veteran and wears his hat proudly everyday," the caption says of a post by Chick-fil-A in Overland Park, Kansas.
In the video, he is sitting at a table when a group of Chick-fil-A employees come to him with a surprise. "You know that you are one of our favorite guests, and certainly our favorite veteran," one staff member says, to which a smiling Mr. Grisham asks, "What are you going to do? The employee goes on to say, "Last year, I gave you a gift card. So this year, I'm going to give you a cow–a big cow." Mr. Grisham loves it, and says, "Ohhh, EAT MORE CHIKIN!" he laughs as he is handed a cow with Chick-fil-A's slogan on it. The group then bursts into singing "Happy Birthday" to him, and people eating in the restaurant also join in.
The sweet video got tons of positive comments from viewers. "Chic(k) fil a must be the secret to a long life!" one viewer commented. Another added, "They don't make men like this anymore. Truly the greatest generation."
Grisham is clearly a big fan of the fast food establishment, because he was also honored at another Chick-fil-A in his area–this time in Lenexa, Kansas. "Clyde, an Army Veteran, served our country for four years during WWII. He and Delores are good friends of ours, and their joy makes a strong impression on our team and dining room. Today, we’re extra thankful for his legacy!" another Instagram post for his special day shared.
A series of photos was shared in a carousel, showing Mr. Grisham posing with employees at the location surrounded by a handmade sign and patriotic balloons.
According to the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), Grisham is a retired Army tech sergeant who was at Pearl Harbor when it was attacked by the Japanese on Dec. 7, 1941, where he helped take care of the wounded. “He’s respected in the community,” VFW Post 11499 Commander David Babin said about Grisham. “Not only is he a World War II veteran, but he was also a postal carrier in town and drove a school bus. As a fireman, he was instrumental in getting the first firetruck in eastern Kansas, too. He’s such a humble man.”
Grisham is an active member of VFW Post 11499 in Basehor, Kansas, where he was honored for his 100th birthday in 2023. "Because of his age, he doesn't help much with setting up events, but he is very active and participates in everything we do," Babin added. That same year, Dick Drennon, the mayor of Basehor, declared that Jan. 23, 2023 would be "Clyde Wilbur Grisham Day".